Sunday, September 16, 2007

Exercise news 16/09/2007

Exercise news 16/09/2007
A good diet is only a portion of the overall weight loss program, it’s possible to lose weight by dieting alone but maintaining it for a long time is difficult and also slows your metabolism if you attempt to do it without exercise. ...

Exercise news 16/09/2007
You ve decided you want to exercise at home. There are hundreds of pieces of home cardio equipment available. The most popular are treadmills and exercise bikes. In deciding between the two, you should compare long-term sustainability, ...

Exercise Terraferma 2007 (di-ve)
This year's eight edition of the Italo-Maltese bilateral training exercise "Terraferma" will be held in two phases between September and October, aimed at promoting co-operation and peace in the mediterranean.

Dance Revolution classes get lazy kids interested in exercise
A UK School has introduced a Dance Revolution class which has reportedly been a great success in getting those kids who hate sport to get up and exercise. A number of DDR mats are laid out on the floor and each pupil can see how well ...

Sneaky Exercise Part III-In Football Time
Are you ready for another tip to help you sneak exercise into your everyday life? Here it comes. I’ve always said that if the doc gave me a year to live I’d take it in football time. Now I’ve put that philosophy to practical use. ...

fat burner fat body fat