Friday, September 21, 2007

Exercise news 21/09/2007 12:39

PC Magazine - Quechup with Your Spam
September 10, 2007 -- It's hard for a social network to gain any traction these days, especially with dominant players like Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn chewing up everyone's ...
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Serbian army, Ohio Guard hold joint exercise - Military News, Army News, opinions, editorials, news from Iraq, photos, ... (Army Times)
NIS, Serbia — Serbia’s army and members of the Ohio National Guard held a joint military exercise Thursday as part of a program between the Balkan country and the U.S. military.*http%3A//
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Nigeria: "Don't Use Consultants for Hotel Registration Exercise" (
Delegates to the National Joint Tourism Board meeting held in Abuja last week have asked that the use of consultants for the National hotel registration exercise be de-emphasised.*http%3A//
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• New Research Finds Exercise Helpful In Improving Depression (Turks.US)
A new study has found out that regular exercise may work as well as medication in improving symptoms of major depression. In a study of 202 depressed adults, researchers found that those who went through group-based exercise therapy did good as well as those treated with an antidepressant drug.*http%3A//
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National Review - Seeds of renewal
September 10, 2007 -- ONE of the most refreshing exhibitions I have seen this year is a group of 30 small still lifes by the startlingly good young painter Jacob Collins.
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Newsweek - You, Too, Can Have A Bionic Body
September 3, 2007 -- Susan Burke's left knee was humbling her. At 54, she wanted to hike and whitewater raft through the national parks or, at the very least, to stroll around ...
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Exercise king wants to reach listeners (Orange County Register)
Jaaaack's baaaack! Jack LaLanne, the godfather of fitness whose exercise show was on television for a record 34 years, is doing it again. This time on radio.*http%3A//
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National Review - Another man from hope: former governor Mike Huckabee shares some of Clinton's talents, but is definitely his own man
September 10, 2007 -- Des Moines, Iowa MIKE HUCKABEE famously lost 110 pounds through a strict regime of diet and exercise, but on a visit to the Iowa State Fair he can't ...
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Newsweek - Deadly Persian Provocations
September 3, 2007 -- Two weeks ago, the Bush administration announced it may designate Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist organization--the first time a foreign military ...
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Newsweek - Perfect Stranger
September 3, 2007 -- If you're trying to watch your waistline, Tommy's Ham House is probably the last place you ought to go for breakfast. But there was Mike Huckabee last ...
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