Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Exercise news 17/10/2007 04:01

Exercise can ease some aspects of chemotherapy (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
For women undergoing chemo for breast cancer, an exercise program doesn't do much to improve their quality of life -- but it can boost their self-esteem, physical fitness, and chemotherapy completion rates.*http%3A//
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Biggest counterterrorism exercise in U.S. history starts in Ore. (Seattle Times)
The largest counterterrorism exercise in U.S. history has begun with a bright flash and a loud bang meant to simulate a dirty bomb attack...*http%3A//
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Low-impact exercise forms may raise incidence of low bone density (ANI via Yahoo! India News)
Washington, Oct 17 (ANI): Researchers from the University of Missouri-Columbia have discovered that men engaging predominantly in low-impact forms of exercise have an increased incidence of osteopenia, a condition resulting in two times the risk of bone fracture. For the study, the researchers measured bone mineral density in 43 competitive male cyclists and runners ages 20 to 59. The findings ...*http%3A//
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Shape - Lose 44 pounds a year … at work
October 1, 2007 -- It sounds unbelievable, but a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that if overweight people used an electronic stepping device, like the one shown here, for two hours a
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Shape - Expectant moms are fit to exercise
September 1, 2007 -- IF YOU BELIEVE YOUR STAMINA HAS DISAPPEARED ALONG WITH YOUR WAISTLINE, THINK AGAIN Canadian researchers found that regardless of how far along women are in their pregnancies, they can engage in mode
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Stretching the truth about pain relief and taking exercise (The Scotsman)
PREPARING for strenuous exercise by including stretching in a warm-up and then stretching again during a post-exercise cooldown is a practice drummed into sportsmen and women.*http%3A//
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Shape - Get sculpted all over
October 1, 2007 -- shoulder stir Works shoulders, back, chest, core, and butt This move will stir up more than toned arms. "Your upper body does the work by moving ...
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Stretching Out Does Not Prevent Soreness After Exercise (Science Daily)
Studies show that stretching before or after exercise has little or no effect on muscle soreness between half a day and three days later. Many people stretch before starting to exercise, and some stretch again at the end of a period of exertion. The aim may be to prevent injury, to promote higher performance, or to limit the chances of feeling stiff in the days after the exercise.*http%3A//
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PC Magazine - NTT Launches Japanese 'Fitness Phone'
October 3, 2007 -- TOKYO, Oct 3 (Reuters) - Worried that you're not getting enough exercise or that you've eaten way too much garlic? A Japanese firm has come up with a ...
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Stretching out does not prevent soreness after exercise (EurekAlert!)
Studies show that stretching before or after exercise has little or no effect on muscle soreness between half a day and three days later, a team of Cochrane Researchers has found.*http%3A//
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