Thursday, October 25, 2007

Exercise news 25/10/2007 15:01

Exercise at Czech nuclear plant uncovers communication mistakes (České noviny)
Ceske Budejovice- The two-day exercise at the nuclear power plant in Temelin, south Bohemia, uncovered slight communication and administrative mistakes, Marie Ptackova, spokeswoman for the South Bohemia regional authority, said today.*http%3A//
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Shape - The coolest new fitness classes across the country
October 1, 2007 -- It can be tough to stay motivated after bikini season ends, so we rounded up five fun reasons to head to the gym this fall.--SB BATON ROUGE Class ...
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Shape - How to spot a bad trainer
October 1, 2007 -- You've done your research and checked her references, but maybe you're still not convinced your new trainer is a true pro. If you suspect you're not ...
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Shape - Expectant moms are fit to exercise
September 1, 2007 -- IF YOU BELIEVE YOUR STAMINA HAS DISAPPEARED ALONG WITH YOUR WAISTLINE, THINK AGAIN Canadian researchers found that regardless of how far along women are in their pregnancies, they can engage in mode
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Health Tip: Exercise Doing Everyday Chores (HealthDay via Yahoo! News)
(HealthDay News) - Getting needed exercise can be as simple as performing a few household chores regularly.*http%3A//
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Health Tip: Exercise Doing Everyday Chores (KOLD News 13 Tuscon)
(HealthDay News) - Getting needed exercise can be as simple as performing a few household chores regularly. Here are some suggestions, courtesy of...*http%3A//
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Exercise, therapy may help cancer fatigue (UPI)
Fatigue, one of the most common symptoms of patients with cancer, may be helped by regular exercise and psychological counseling, a U.S. study says.*http%3A//
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Shape - Get sculpted all over
October 1, 2007 -- shoulder stir Works shoulders, back, chest, core, and butt This move will stir up more than toned arms. "Your upper body does the work by moving ...
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Shape - Shape's ultimate guide to running: from the right gear to the best races, this step-by-step primer provides everything you need to be a better runner
October 1, 2007 -- Are you a little ambivalent about running? True, it's one of the best ways to blast calories--but it can be hard! There's all that bouncing, pounding, ...
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New exercise class coming (York Daily Record)
MOUNT WOLF — Northeastern Senior Community Center, 131 Center St., Mount Wolf, will offer a new exercise program beginning Nov. 2.*http%3A//
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